Saturday, January 31, 2009

Farnese Montepulciano d'Abruzzo (2005)

Wine tasting 2

This wine was also tasted at the first wine tasting, and although it scored a little lower this time, it was still the winner for the night. 85kr for a fantastic wine that's soft, smooth and basically and excellent wine. If you haven't tried this wine before, then buy it. You won't be disappointed. We tasted this wine during the first wine tasting as well, and also received 4 stars with a score of 4,2 out of 5.

Panel's rating: 3,8 out of 5

Price: 109SEK
Country: Italy
Grapes: 100% Montepulciano

Colour: Deep red scarlet, Very dark red, Scarlet to blue red, Very deep red with pink undertones, Scarlet,

Nose: Floral and earthy, Cherries and vanilla, Dark cherry chocolate, Smells of a garden, Jasmine, fruity and a bit yeasty, Liquorice and flowers, Oak barrel with a smell of flowers and vanilla, Full-bodied with a smell of oak and vanilla.

Smooth, chocolate with hints of cherries and plums, Soft taste that lingers forever, Pepper and vanilla, Alcohol taste with cherries and vanilla, Liquorice, Dark cherries, Spicy and velvety smooth.

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