Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chateau Pech-Latt Corbieres (2007)

Wine tasting 2

I'm not sure why, but there's a lot of really terrible ecological wines on the market. This one is one of them. There's a lot of hoops you have to jump through to be able to call your wine ecological. I don't know why anyone would jump through all of them just to put a wine like this on the market.
There's a lot of good ecological wines on the market, and cheaper than 70kr.

Panel's rating: 2,1 out of 5

Price: 70SEK
Country: France

Colour: Purplish tones, Scarlett with purple tones, Blue red, Purple red, Ruby, Purple.

Nose: Warm and simple, Very strong with warmish tones and a bit mettal, Warm iron with alcohol and raisins, Soft, A little metallic.

Taste: Sweet berries, Very strong alchohol, Bitter, Strawberries, Rasberries with light acidicy and liquirice, Smooth and resberries, Sweet and smooth with a light taste of rasberries.


Anonymous said...

Well actually I've just drunk a 2003: none of the metal or bitterness, and certainly not sweet, but rather smooth and delicate and nuanced. For the quality for money I'd certainly push it up the ratings. Perhaps you should leave a Corbieres to mellow a bit?

Anonymous said...

I agree; found the 2007 reviewed here to be so good for the money that I've come across this review whilst trying to buy some more.

I think having produced such a warm and interesting wine whilst making no concessions on eco-credentials is impressive.

Maybe one critics experience is not necessarily worth listening to in isolation.

Darryl de Necker said...

I agree, one critic is not worth while, that's why we opt for a panel of 8 or more people. Having said that, wine tasting is very subjective and you should always use the opinion of a wine critic just as a rough guide.