Monday, April 12, 2010

Moving back to just loving wine

Finally it seems as if wine production is moving back into the hands of those who love making wine, instead of those who love making money.

The problem is there's just too much really bad wine on the market, produced by those not in it for the love of wine, but more the love of money. Sure, wine lovers who produce fine wines make money, and rightly so, but the difference is that they're in it for the long term. Those that are in it for the money look at it in the short term and will move on to the next money making thing as soon as it comes along.

It's not just Australia who has this problem, but most wine producing countries, including France, Italy and South Africa. Let's hope the situation sorts itself out soon, so the wine quality starts improving, but as the guys from Monocle said, until then I'm willing to help drink the left overs.

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